transparent & fair
1-2 persons
€ 90 / night
€ 1,530 / month
3 persons
€ 150 / night
€ 2,330 / month
4 persons
€ 180 / night
€ 2,530 / month
1-2 persons
€ 100 / night
€ 1,730 / month
3 persons
€ 150 / night
€ 2,330 / month
1-2 persons
€ 150 / night
€ 2,030 / month
3 persons
€ 200 / night
€ 2,630 / month
4 persons
€ 250 / night
€ 2,930 / month

€ 70 per cleaning / final cleaning
You can choose when and how frequently the apartment is cleaned

Additional bed available on request for a fee

To the city of Graz
€ 2,50 per night / person

Included with every apartment

Komfortables Appartement in Graz

Free parking
Height of basement garage: 2.10 metres.

Free WIFI internet access in each apartment

See you soon!